Saturday, September 12, 2020

Year 8, Week 5: Read Aloud and a Couple of Favorites

     I just realized in my last post I forgot to share how our week went so I'll start this post with that before I dive into what's probably my FAVORITE homeschool subject:  Read Aloud!  But first, our week.  This one was pretty busy for all of us.  With Labor Day behind us, our complete schedule is back in full swing.  I'm doing an online Bible study with my dear, dear friend HP (If you're reading this, I love and miss you!)  The Principal, who's working from home most days, had plenty of meetings to keep him occupied.  Our church's life groups started and my husband and I lead one of them in the evening (They usually meet in person but for now it's via Zoom.)  Little Toughie is prepping for an audition and A380 is fine tuning his comparison essays for me.  The dog, well...she's begging for a treat every 15 minutes.

     Let's get to my absolute favorite subject in our schedule and one we've done from the very beginning:  Read Aloud.  I read A LOT of books on my own but if I were to add the books I read aloud, my list of completed titles would be even longer!  During our homeschool day I read aloud our Bible and history (I enjoy those readings too.)  On the weeknights that we don't have group meetings I'm reading aloud to The Principal and the kids. I give myself a break on the weekends lest I lose my voice, which has happened.  I've read YWAM Christian Hero books, I've read historical fiction books, I've read biographies, I've read fiction and the classics.  This is cherished quality time for me; family time that we won't always have.  We get to hear stories of courage and love, of loss and strength.  Stories that make us laugh and think, stories that get us talking and sharing; stories that sometimes bring tears to our eyes and stories that move us so deeply that we can only sit with it in silence.  Oh, yeah...that's happened.

     There are other benefits too!  From a post shared by Read Aloud Revival (Also known as RAR who I discovered a few years ago):
What are the benefits of reading aloud to kids who can read already?
The center for Teaching at the University of Iowa lists both evidence-based and anecdotal benefits of reading aloud. Let’s focus today on five of those benefits.

Reading aloud…

Develops Bigger Picture Perspective and Empathy
Improves Academic Performance, Vocabulary, and Information Processing Skills
Models Fluency and Expression
Builds Community
Slows Down and Enriches Time

     As a bookworm it was natural for me to read aloud to the kids but to be able to continue to do so even though they can read on their own, has been a blessing.  Right now, I'm reading The Trojan War.  I finished reading The Golden Goblet last week.  My favorite book is Unbroken and in the spring I got to read YWAM's version of it.  Roughly every 4-6 weeks I'm reaching for a new book to read to them.  I delight in hearing them ask me to continue reading or when I get a, "Whaaaaaa?" when I finish up on a cliff hanger moment.

     Of all the books I've read aloud, to this day, my favorite is:

It's such a fun story and once you start reading it aloud you might find yourself really getting into it and giving each character a certain voice, which is another fun aspect of reading aloud.  I would love to read this aloud to someone again!  Any volunteers?

     I encourage you to read the post from Read Aloud Revival or if you prefer listen to the podcast also on that link.  How I choose our books vary.  Sometimes our books tie into what we're reading in history.  Other times the books are related to a certain geographical area we're focusing on.  Still others are Christian Hero books that focus on a certain character trait and the power of Jesus in the lives of those that serve Him.  In the case of The Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic, it just sounded fun!  Currently, our book selections are from Sonlight.  If you're looking for a book RAR has a page with recommendations to help you get started.  There are a lot of lists out there so of course use discernment when selecting a book, but RAR is a good place to start.  So, pick one and get reading...aloud!

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